G8 Education
As a leading provider of quality care and education services, G8 Education hosts more than 470 centres across Australia, opening a world of possibilities for children and families. With so many brands to manage, their marketing execution and workflow could become challenging without Dashing X’s tailor-made brand management platform. Streamlining the marketing activities of various education centres helps with brand consistency and credibility through using a single integrated platform. The G8 portal houses 21 brands with a sizeable library of templates for their digital assets. Each education centre can only view templates they have access to for their specific brand. This minimises clutter in the library and makes downloading and printing on demand items efficient and effective.

No more endless phone calls and emails. Through our custom portal, the G8 head office conveniently manages and regulates all brands by having full visibility across the entire network. They can also designate superusers to have access to recruitment-specific templates. Additionally, enabling end-users to select an approver for their specific area creates a seamless approval workflow, for example, giving area managers the ability to approve templates across multiple brands. With just a few clicks on the Dashing X portal, the G8 head office maintains the standard of their services by having the remote control and monitoring over the numerous education centres scattered across Australia.