Laser Clinics
There are 134 Laser Clinics across Australia which means you could probably get your routine beauty treatment done just a few streets down your doorstep! They are also found in different countries such as New Zealand, United Kingdoms, Canada and Singapore. As a successful, global beauty franchise they benefited greatly with the help of Dashing X’s personalisable brand management platform. Through the platform, staff worldwide have remote access to several marketing services. Our technology helps maintain consistency and quality in Laser Clinics’ brand while simplifying the employees’ tasks and alleviating their workload.

We designed the Laser Clinics’ portal appearance to fit the brand’s theme, making it familiar and easy to use for their staff. Templates for their prints are not set in stone, employees can customise them and order online for direct delivery. On top of that, the platform self-populates by enabling staff to register their address details effortlessly. To help the head office keep track of registered users, orders, and expenses, we built the reports dashboard that views all the data within the selected timeframe. Our custom portal is already hosting more than 200 Laser Clinics users! With the ability to track their order history and simplify approval workflow, the head office can manage their numerous stores at a micro and macro level.